Society has sold us the ideal image of retirement. You will happily leave your career and immediately settle into a romanticized retirement life full of happiness, money, adventure, and purpose. If you simply save enough money, suddenly you will experience a retirement life that looks like an image that’s come straight out of a retirement planning catalog.

Now, I’m not saying that you CAN’T have that picture-perfect retired life – because you definitely can. But, it’s all about finding ways to fill your retirement with a purpose that is authentic to you. It’s so important to consider the lifestyle side of retirement planning, as well as just the financial part. 

When you plan your retirement, you plan to phase out work, you plan financially, and you plan where you’re going to live, whether you’re going to upsize or downsize, or move to a different country. But, the one thing that you don’t plan for, and isn’t considered in any of the financial planning you’ve done, is how you are going to spend your time!

After spending your life working and living a fast-paced life, entering retirement without a sense of purpose can lead to depression and dissatisfaction. But, by putting thought and effort into planning your retirement, you can start to see it as a new, exciting chapter in your life and look forward to what’s next!

Here are my top retirement lifestyle planning tips to get you excited about your retired life, so that you can spend your retirement happy and fulfilled. 

1 Wind Down Gently

Ease off your workload over several years, so that you can gently transition into retirement. This way, you are allowing yourself to get used to the idea of not working and learn how you’d like to fill your time in other ways.


2 Develop a Daily Routine

As you would if you were working, it is really helpful to develop a regular routine that you stick to. This can include getting up, eating, going for a walk, or exercising at a similar time every day.


3 Prioritize Socializing

Nurture meaningful relationships and immerse yourself in your community during your retired life, and you will have a strong support system around you. Social connections stimulate you both mentally and physically, and being around friends can add meaning to your life. 


4 Keep Your Mind Active

Studies have shown that learning new things later in life helps to keep your mental well-being in good shape. So, make time to challenge yourself mentally, whether it’s learning a foreign language, studying a subject or getting a qualification.


5 Set Goals 

Your pre-retirement life is measured in milestones, such as making deadlines or getting a promotion. You should still focus on goals when you retire to continue feeling that sense of purpose. This can be things like “read 3 books this month” or “travel to Europe” – whatever it is, it gives you something to work toward. 


6 Be Patient with Your Emotions

Retirement is a constant transition, so expect to go through a variety of emotions as you adjust to your new life. Be patient with yourself, and expect some ups and downs along the way.


7 Keep a Journal

Keeping daily or weekly journal can provide structure in your retirement life.  Journaling is also a form of self-expression and it helps to keep you in tune with what you value, how you feel and how you perceive things. 


8 Let Go of Negativity

Don’t be negative, and always look for the positive things in life. If you start feeling negative thoughts, take a meditative moment and think of 10 good things that have happened to you.


“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ― Sophia Loren


9 Discover New Hobbies 

Take up photography, start playing an instrument, upcycle furniture, take a pottery class, join a wildlife club, start going to dance classes… the possibilities are endless!


10 Stay Physically Active

You should aim to do at least half an hour of physical activity every day. Whether this is walking the dog, doing a yoga class, or going swimming – whatever you enjoy! By staying physically active you are more likely to stay independent and happy for longer.


11 Make New Friends

Your social circle will likely get smaller when you leave work. So, make an effort to join a club, do an evening class or simply invite a neighbour over for coffee.


12 Try Something New

Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Doing this can help you discover your true potential, reach your goals, understand yourself on a deeper level and live a more fulfilling life. 


“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu


13 Practice Meditation and Mindfulness

Practicing meditation and mindfulness can really improve your quality of life. Studies show that meditation can control anxiety, reduce stress, and improve sleeping patterns, which can be quite common problems in retirement. 


14 Consider Part-Time Work

This could be setting up an entrepreneurial side hustle, coaching, teaching, or turning your hobby into a business. Finding your “second act” and taking up part-time work can contribute to your sense of purpose and life fulfilment.


15 Give Back To Your Community

Giving back to your community is a fulfilling and positive way to spend your free time. As well as donating, you can also participate in volunteering or charity drives. Local charities and soup kitchens are a good place to start. 


16 Travel More

Retirement is a time to finally fulfill all of the travel dreams you’ve ever had! If you’re not interested in taking long or faraway trips, mini breaks are a great alternative, or even you can even just take days out to places locally that you’ve never visited before.


17 Start a Project

In retirement, you finally have the time to get stuck into those things you’ve always meant to do but just never got around to. You finally have unlimited time to plant a vegetable garden, build a model railway, or map your family tree!


18 Take Time in Nature

Fresh air is an instant mood booster and can provide instant benefits to both your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate a walk in the woods or around your neighborhood into your daily routine, or just take time to sit out in your garden or a nearby park and notice the nature around you. 


19 Try Volunteering

A great way to live a fulfilled retired life is to put other people first. Volunteer work is a fantastic way to give back and help out, as well as filling your time with happiness and meaning,


20 Think Health Not Wealth

Health is one of the most important aspects of a happy retirement and so, the best retirement plan involves not only your finances but also ways to stay mentally and physically healthy.


There are so many different ways you could spend your retirement life, and you don’t have to figure it all out straight away. By taking the time to incorporate these ideas into your retirement planning, you will enter the next stage of your life feeling excited about the possibilities to come!