What is ‘purpose’? To have a purpose is to have a goal, or an intention, which drives you forward, is meaningful to you, and brings you fulfilment. Your purpose is unique, personal and authentic to you and ultimately gives meaning to your life. It is your why. 

Purpose (noun)

the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

Purpose (verb)

have as one’s intention or objective.

For some people their sense of purpose comes from their vocation, focusing on having a successful and worthwhile career. For others it might come from their role in their family, with a responsibility as a mother or a caregiver. Some find purpose in religion, or spiritual beliefs. 

A sense of purpose is unique for each individual person, and what you identify as your path or your purpose can be different to others. It comes from your personality, will influence your behavior, affect decisions on how you want to spend your time, and guide your overall life choices.

Finding your true purpose is a way of recognizing what brings you joy and lights you up, and using this to contribute something to the world. Whether it be through work, relationships, hobbies, beliefs… there is no one correct path, it is just about what drives you.

“Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

— John F. Kennedy


Throughout the duration of your life, your sense of purpose is likely to change, as you shift through the changing transitions of your life. The purpose you believe in and strive toward as a teenager, will not be the same as your purpose in retirement. 

Your life’s purpose can be constantly evolving, but you are most likely to find yourself questioning your true purpose at times of significant change in your life. For example a career or educational change, a loss or grievance, or as you approach retirement

Being able to renew your sense of purpose as you navigate these transitions, enables you to continue a satisfying and meaningful way of living.


“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

– Helen Keller


Having a clear sense of purpose in life is vital. When we are living with purpose, we can navigate the most difficult circumstances as we have a focus to guide us through. To have a purpose is to have a feeling that there is a meaning to your life. Purpose provides stability and a sense of direction.

It is actually proven that having a purpose is linked to living a longer, happier life. In a 2015 study, over 136,000 people were evaluated and studied for around 7 years. The average age at the start of the study was 67 years, and as the people in the study passed away or faced health issues, an interesting piece of data was established.

“The analysis showed a lower risk of death for participants with a high sense of purpose in life. After adjusting for other factors, mortality was about one-fifth lower for participants reporting a strong sense of purpose.”

Purpose in Life and Its Relationship to All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Events: A Meta-Analysis


Finding a purpose isn’t always as simple as waking up one day and knowing exactly what you want to do with your life. Especially if you have just encountered a major life change, it can be difficult to know where your path is leading you next. So, here are some simple questions to ask yourself when considering what your purpose is.

  • How do I like to spend my time? 
  • What am I good at? 
  • What do I love? What excites me? 
  • What do I dislike and what do I dread?
  • When do I feel most fulfilled and engaged?
  • Where do I feel I belong – with my family, my community, my friends? 
  • Where is my life currently heading?


There is no specific way to work out what your purpose is and how to find it, what it looks like is up to you. But these questions can help you to understand what brings you joy and what can bring meaning to your life.

Purpose isn’t so much found, as it is created. You ultimately have complete control over what you want to and how you want to live your life. It is just important to take the time to understand what that is and how it will fulfill you.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

— George Bernard Shaw

Finding your ‘why’ and understanding your purpose will ensure that you are living your life in the best way that you possibly can for YOU. Purpose is your very own compass needle, it is there to guide you and point you in the right direction.


If I were to ask you what your current purpose in life is, what would you answer? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

If you are approaching retirement and feeling unsure about what your purpose will be in this next chapter of your life, you don’t have to navigate this transition alone. As a highly experienced retirement coach and mentor, I can help guide you through these changes to create a purposeful post-career life. Find out more about working with me here.