You are afraid to retire. You know that you want to retire, and that the time will come when you have to retire, but you don’t have the confidence to be ‘retired’. So why are you afraid to retire?

When you search on the internet ‘when is the right time to retire?’, all that comes up is the financial element. But if you’ve taken care of the money side of things, you’re wondering why you’re still worried about what’s next.

The answer is simple…

You have spent your life building up your career, and in that you have gained success, identity, structure and status. So, by retiring, you’re afraid that you will lose all of that.

Work has been who you are, as well as what you do, for so long that without it you are unsure of who you will be or how you will live your life purposefully.

What will happen when the alarm goes off at 8am on a Monday morning? You are worried that by 8.30am you’ll have nothing to do, with no meaningful way to spend your weeks.

How would you feel if I told you that this was a totally understandable way to feel? It is difficult to leave a successful career, and the identity, structure and status it has provided you.

I get it, I have helped hundreds of other people through the same thing.

To transition into this next stage of your life, you need to define the life that you want to retire to. It is about shifting your mindset and perspective, and opening yourself up to the exciting possibilities ahead. Learning how to address the often-overlooked aspect of retirement planning: purpose.

Take a moment to imagine a retirement where you learned to dance, or went back to school to study psychology, or even moved to another part of the world and learned a new language. If you look at this chapter as a new beginning, rather than as an ending, your retirement holds infinite possibilities of your future.

Now, imagine having the help of an experienced coach and mentor to guide you through this next chapter of your life. Think of me as your retirement curator. I will guide you from your feelings of uncertainty, to feeling confident and excited about your post-career life.

Together, we will identify what it is that you really want in your life to be happy and what will provide your retirement with purpose and meaning.

Join the waitlist for The Curated Retirement now, and take the first time in designing a purposeful retirement life.