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Redefining retirement.

Open up any retirement catalog, and you will be faced with the conventional image of lazy days spent on cruise ships and happy couples playing golf. While this is an idyllic picture that might be suited to some as they approach retirement, it is important to know that this type of traditional retirement doesn’t have to be for everyone.

As well as this accepted image of what a happy retirement looks like, when we think of retirement planning, the focus is solely on the financial side. And yes, retirement savings are important for this next chapter, but to go from a life full of purpose, structure and identity, to a life seemingly filled with such lack of intention, can be a very scary prospect.

Your financial advisor may have told you that you’re on track for retirement, and the retirement brochures are offering an idealised image of what the next chapter of your life will look like. But no one has actually told you how to purposefully fill your days or find meaning and motivation in your retirement.

The average retirement lasts for 18 years. That is longer than you were at school for, longer than a University degree, and maybe even longer than you worked in your career. So why do we not look at these days with the same ambition and excitement?

It is time that we redefined retirement.

To do this, we need to redefine the life that we want to live in our retirement. So, how do we do that?

The first step is to find a new identity, or a new way of defining yourself, that isn’t tied to your career achievements and accomplishments. Work has been who you are as well as what you do for so long, but your authentic self is so much more than the title printed on your business card. What skills, experiences, values, strengths and interests make you uniquely you? By understanding this, you are able to appreciate and own your uniqueness. Gaining the confidence to show up fully and unapologetically; expressing your personal style in the way you live your life.

Alongside considering your identity, it is important to give yourself a clear picture of what a purposeful retirement life looks like for you personally. This might include taking on a new hobby… dancing, horseback riding or art. It could include going back to University to study a language or literature, starting a new business, volunteering or mentoring, or any other passion project that you have always wanted to pursue but never had the time.

What inspiring reason will motivate you to get out of bed every morning? Having a purpose is a critical part of your retirement plan, so it is important that you discover yours.

In order to achieve these steps, you need to have clarity on when you want to retire and how to be confident and calm in this decision, knowing that it is taking the right step towards your fulfilling post-career life.

By redefining retirement, we are allowing ourselves to ignite a genuine excitement about what’s next.

The Curated Retirement™ is a step-by-step system to design a purposeful retirement life. Together, we go through all of the stages detailed above, to help you to identify and refine what you really want and need in your life to be happy, and the exact steps for you to create a unique and authentic retirement.

You’ll achieve total clarity on how to ‘live on purpose’. You’ll have a plan for where you’re going and the exact next steps to get you there.

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