What if you went into your future to define who you are?

In this video, I want to share with an idea with you… you get to define who you are, at any point in time.

It is very likely, that if I was to ask you who are you, your initial response would be to look to the past. Your past achievements and accomplishments. But what if instead of going to the past to define who you are, you looked to your future instead.

From your future self, defining who you are is a place of infinite possibility.

By following this exercise, I ask you to tap into your own inner wisdom and discover what you really want for yourself. To follow this exercise, you have to remove yourself from your logical thinking mind, and delve into the more intuitive part of you. This part already has the answers that you are seeking.

So I ask you to write a letter from your future self to your present day self. I want you to share with your present day self all of your insights and your wisdom. What do you see as something that they need to let go of? What do you see as something that they need to embrace? What path do you want them to take?

In doing this, you will be able to tap into that wise part of yourself that already has the answers. And so, instead of defining ourselves from our past, we are going into the future to define ourselves by what is possible and what is waiting for us.

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