How often have you considered what your meaningful contribution will look like after you leave your executive role?

Besides considering your finances, you need to prepare for the identity shift that comes with your transition. Tammy Vigue helps executives build the roadmap to a more purposeful and successful next chapter.  


Hi, I’m Tammy and I’m a Retirement Coach, and Speaker.

i help high achievers transition from A  successful career to a meaningful retirement.

From my extensive experience in the financial industry, I have come to believe that the way we plan for retirement is incomplete. Retirement planning isn’t just about financial planning. We need to plan for more than just replacing income; we need to define the life we want to retire to.

I know first hand how difficult it can be to leave a successful career – and the identity, structure, and status it provides.

I did it myself and I can help you do it too.


About Tammy Vigue - Retirement Coaching

Retirement sans the bingo
and shuffleboard

download the checklist!

Retire With Confidence


Are you considering retirement, but wondering if you’re truly ready to make the leap? Get your free checklist “Retire with Confidence: The Essential Retirement Readiness Checklist” and start your journey towards a happy and fulfilling retirement.

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The Curated Retirement



The step-by-step system to design a purposeful retirement life.

The Curated Retirement™ is a lifestyle-focused retirement planning program, designed to guide you from feeling uncertain about how you will replace the identity, structure and purpose you get from your career to feeling clear, confident and excited about your post-career life.

A retirement by design (not default).

Retirement Coaching - The Curated Retirement by Tammy Vigue
One-to-One Coaching with Tammy Vigue

One to One Coaching

retirement coaching:


One-to-one sessions are all about you.

My approach to retirement coaching combines clear strategies and planning with accountability, so you know what to do and are supported in the ways you need to grow and succeed.

Retirement one-to-one coaching sessions are for people who want a personalized approach to transitioning from professional careers to meaningful post-career lives.


For you, work isn’t just what you do, it’s who you are.

As a result, when you think about retiring, you may be:

– Worried that the best is behind you.

– Unsure how you’ll spend your time in a meaningful way, or even how to figure it out. You’ve been so focused on your career and busy raising your family that you’re not even sure what your passions are anymore.

– Afraid you’ll look foolish — or fail — if you try something new or pursue your secret dream.

How can you replace the identity and meaning that your career gives you in retirement?

A successful retirement plan is not just about income replacement – it’s about finding ways to replace the meaning and purpose we get from our work. Download my free workbook to help you clarify the benefits that you get from your career and learn how to identify ways that you can replace those benefits in your post-career life.  

Imagine a

Retirement where you

Took up that hobby — painting…dancing…riding lessons — you had put on the backburner when you were juggling the demands of your career and family.
Went back to university to study Greek Literature of the Classical Period or another passion you never pursued because someone once told you it wasn’t ‘practical’.
Started that business you’ve always dreamed of, or finally wrote that book.
Learned how to slow down and find balance without the nagging voice in your head telling you you should be doing something more productive.
What are you retiring to

What are you retiring to?
What will give your life purpose in this next chapter?

You (and your financial advisor) have taken care of the money piece, but it’s the softer side of retirement that you’re interested in.

Sure, retirement savings are important, but if you’ve defined yourself by your career, the regular paycheck isn’t the only thing you’ll need to replace when you retire.

Imagine having the help of an experienced coach and mentor who can guide you through a simple step-by-step system to help you see the exciting possibilities for what’s next.

Your retirement. Your way.
And a step-by-step plan to make it happen.

Jana McLarty

Reimagining Retirement really helped me to Reimagine My Life and helped me to structure a totally new vision for my future. I felt free to dream big and set in plans for next steps on this transition. What a gift! Tammy is a talented facilitator, filled with wisdom and humor. Lots of laughter and wonderful perspective! I absolutely loved the course and highly recommend!



The course truly gave me a new perspective and made me stop and assess different aspects of my life. Loved this course and would recommend it to any woman looking to explore what the rest of her life will and or could look like.


Sheila Wicke

Reimagining Retirement helped me to solidify my plans for retirement life and boosted my confidence in myself by allowing me to examine my life and my intentions.


Marianne Lowe

Reimagining Retirement took us on a deep dive into our thoughts and feelings about “Retirement” to make sense of what we really want and how to get it. Taking the time to think about our values, strengths and interests in a very deliberate way was key. I started out with a vague idea of what I wanted to do in this next phase of my life but now I have a solid plan in development and the tools to adjust it as I go along.


Doris Butala

The course made me aware of my current expectations of retirement. I gained a better understanding of my values and strengths. And the goal setting exercises helped put it all together: I now feel I can add more joy and rewards to my retirement.


Loren Plottel

If you find yourself at a crossroads in life and don’t know how to take the first, next step, this course will help point you in the right direction. You will learn more about yourself, your values, your purpose and most importantly, what you need in your life to make you happy.


Sandra Crowell

There are many retirement courses that focus mainly on the financial side of retirement. This is not one of them. This course gave me the structure I needed to reflect on my dreams, values & strengths, and consider my transition to the next phase of my life. It also provided me with excellent tools and supports to do this. It was exactly the type of course I have been looking for quite some time. I know I will reflect back on the learnings many times as I prepare for my life transitions.


If you want to design an inspired post-career life and gain the clarity and confidence to make it happen, let’s work together.

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